





  • UUserWidget
  • APlayerController
  • AHUD


前面的文章 UE的UMG简单使用 中已经说明了UMG绑定相关的了!




	 * Gets the local player associated with this UI.
	 * @return The owning local player.
	virtual ULocalPlayer* GetOwningLocalPlayer() const override;
	 * Gets the local player associated with this UI cast to the template type.
	 * @return The owning local player. May be NULL if the cast fails.
	template < class T >
	T* GetOwningLocalPlayer() const
		return Cast<T>(GetOwningLocalPlayer());

	 * Sets the player associated with this UI via LocalPlayer reference.
	 * @param LocalPlayer The local player you want to be the conceptual owner of this UI.
	void SetOwningLocalPlayer(ULocalPlayer* LocalPlayer);

	 * Gets the player controller associated with this UI.
	 * @return The player controller that owns the UI.
	virtual APlayerController* GetOwningPlayer() const override;
	 * Gets the player controller associated with this UI cast to the template type.
	 * @return The player controller that owns the UI. May be NULL if the cast fails.
	template < class T >
	T* GetOwningPlayer() const
		return Cast<T>(GetOwningPlayer());


	 * Gets the player pawn associated with this UI.
	 * @return Gets the owning player pawn that's owned by the player controller assigned to this widget.
	UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, BlueprintCosmetic, Category="Player")
	class APawn* GetOwningPlayerPawn() const;
	 * Gets the player pawn associated with this UI cast to the template type.
	 * @return Gets the owning player pawn that's owned by the player controller assigned to this widget.
	 * May be NULL if the cast fails.
	template < class T >
	T* GetOwningPlayerPawn() const
		return Cast<T>(GetOwningPlayerPawn());

GetOwningPlayerState && GetOwningPlayerCameraManager

	 * Get the owning player's PlayerState.
	 * @return const APlayerState*
	template <class TPlayerState = APlayerState>
	TPlayerState* GetOwningPlayerState(bool bChecked = false) const
		if (auto Controller = GetOwningPlayer())
			return !bChecked ? Cast<TPlayerState>(Controller->PlayerState) :
			                   CastChecked<TPlayerState>(Controller->PlayerState, ECastCheckedType::NullAllowed);

		return nullptr;

	 * Gets the player camera manager associated with this UI.
	 * @return Gets the owning player camera manager that's owned by the player controller assigned to this widget.
	UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, BlueprintCosmetic, Category = "Player")
	class APlayerCameraManager* GetOwningPlayerCameraManager() const;

	 * Gets the player camera manager associated with this UI cast to the template type.
	 * @return Gets the owning player camera manager that's owned by the player controller assigned to this widget.
	 * May be NULL if the cast fails.
	template <class T>
	T* GetOwningPlayerCameraManager() const
		return Cast<T>(GetOwningPlayerCameraManager());




	/** Heads up display associated with this PlayerController. */
	TObjectPtr<AHUD> MyHUD;
	/** Camera manager associated with this Player Controller. */
	UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadOnly, Category=PlayerController)
	TObjectPtr<APlayerCameraManager> PlayerCameraManager;

    // 下面是继承自AController
	 * @return this controller's PlayerState cast to the template type, or NULL if there is not one.
	 * May return null if the cast fails.
	template < class T >
	T* GetPlayerState() const
		return Cast<T>(PlayerState);
	/** Getter for Pawn */
	FORCEINLINE APawn* GetPawn() const { return Pawn; }

	/** Templated version of GetPawn, will return nullptr if cast fails */
	template<class T>
	T* GetPawn() const
		return Cast<T>(Pawn);
	/** Getter for Character */
	FORCEINLINE ACharacter* GetCharacter() const { return Character; }




	/** Returns the PlayerController for this HUD's player.	 */
	UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category=HUD)
	APlayerController* GetOwningPlayerController() const;

	/** Returns the Pawn for this HUD's player.	 */
	UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category=HUD)
	APawn* GetOwningPawn() const;


